Saturday, February 7, 2009

Putumayo Presents - Brazilian Groove [2004]

歌手名稱:Various Artists
專輯名稱:Putumayo Presents - Brazilian Groove
風格類型:World Music
公司廠牌:Putumayo World Music

This is a smooth and seamless compilation of contemporary Brazilian beats, with elements of funk, lounge,jazz and electronica melded together with the classic Brazilian styles of samba, samba-cancao (singing samba) and bossa nova as well as western pop styles. The album has a great atmosphere, conjuring up the cool and subtle sensuality that Brazilian music has long been prized for, but with funky beats and basslines to give it a contemporary edge. The opening track (Maria Moita) pairs a sinuous catchy melody with a jazzy retro feel and starts the album off with a bang.
Other great contributions are Outro Lado (very cool and melodic), Lagoinha, Mas Que Nada (a beat-driven remake of the 60's classic), Laura (a delicate love song) and Coco do Mundo, which has a trippy syncopated beat and lyrical pattern to match.


1. Moita, Maria - Lyra, Carlos
2. Consolação - Powell, Baden
3. Outro Lado - Kruger
4. A História da Morena Nua Que Abalou as Estruturas Do Esplendor Do ... - Carlos, Erasmo
5. Banguela - Baleiro, Zeca
6. Lagoinha - Brown, Carlinhos
7. Mas Que Nada (Melodic Side) - Ben, Jorge
8. Laura - Wilson, David Santo
9. Sou Do Bem - Aleh
10. Linda Cançao, Linda - Micarelli, Steve
11. Beleza - Fereirra, Marcello
12. Côco Do Mundo - Baleiro, Zeca